El grupo se llama Noah and the Whale y la primera canción es Blue Skies... y es de esas canciones con las que te levantas de la cama porque te levantas... cuando anden medio bajones de ánimo y sientan que las cosas pintan medio grises y deprimentes... piensen que los Cielos Azules vienen en camino... y les aseguro que una sonrisa se dibujará en su cara rapidamente.
Así que aqui les va Blue Skies.. que por cierto me eeeeencanta el video:
This is a song for anyone with a broken heart
This is a song for anyone who can't get out of bed
I'll do anything to be happy
Oh, 'cos blue skies are coming
But I know that it's hard
This is the last song that I write while still in love with you
This is the last song that I write while you're even on my mind
'Cos it's time to leave those feelings behind
Oh, 'cos blue skies are coming
But I know that it's hard
I don't think that it's the end
But I know we can't keep going
I don't think that it's the end
But I know we can't keep going
But blue skies are coming
Oh yeah, blue skies are coming
Oh well, blue skies are coming
But I know that it's hard
Lindo no? Y ahora... algo sencillito, y alegre.. una vez levantaditos de la cama y sintiendose un poco más animosos porque los Cielos Azules vienen en camino canten: We´ll have fun fun fun and they´ll be sun sun sun... jijiji.. imposible poner cara gruñona de grrrr con esta canción... es mi nuevo himno Happy Happy Joy Joy y se llama 5 Years Time:
Feliz feliz feliz Martes/Miercoles/Jueves/Viernes!!!!!!
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